Coaching Course

If anyone is interested.

There are just 7 spaces left on a Level 1 Coaching Course at Ilminster starting Monday 6th January. Click on the link to book, and remember, most candidates will be eligible for a 50% bursary from Bowls England:
Flat Green – Level 1 – Ilminster BC – Somerset

Messages from Somerset Bowls

Messages From Somerset Bowls’ Association – November

1. Somerset shortlisted for ‘County of the Year’ – AGAIN.
We have been shortlisted for ‘County of the Year’ again, thanks to the effort of you and your members:
• Actively embracing the new Safeguarding legislation.
• Promoting Bowls Big Weekend and Bowls Bash.
• Supporting our performance squads, both at senior and junior level.
• Entering and succeeding in National and County Competitions.
And, finally, by playing this great sport.

2. We have three Board Members retiring at the next AGM.
We already have applications for Treasurer and Competitions Secretary, but not General Secretary.
The new General Secretary needs to come from your membership, so please circulate this email to ALL your members.
The sooner we recruit a successor, the easier and smoother the handover will be.
Anyone wishing to learn a little more please phone me: 01225 317176, or email email hidden; JavaScript is required for a chat.
This is a Board Appointment so does not need proposing or seconding by a Club, just a written (email) application. If there is more than one application, it will go to a vote at the AGM.

3. Draft Minutes of the AGM are available to view on our website:

These are not a secret, please share the link with your clubmates.

November Update

Hi all.

Our Winter season has started and 6 teams of approx. 6 players (of which 3 play each week) have now started our triples competition. Bowlers from neighbouring clubs such as Congresbury, Yatton and Winscombe also come to play with us during the winter season on our all-weather Green. Come and see us play on Wednesday afternoons and join us for drinks and biscuits afterwards next to the recreation ground on Silver Street. All welcome.

If you would like to join us for a “roll up”, which is an informal game, even better, playing each Wednesday afternoon.

Coaching sessions for new players and existing members are held every Monday morning and Friday afternoon.

This season, if you prefer to play indoors, we are re-introducing short mat bowling in The Rec. It’s great fun.

If you are interested in either watching us, or playing outdoor or indoor bowls, please don’t hesitate to contact our coach Fred Cowgill on 07872 692992. Coaching is free and we also have a selection of bowls free to use.

Ian Harries


October Update

It is the end of the summer season and I am pleased to report that Wrington Bowling Club finished third in our league.

Well done to everyone involved.

Having completed the season we recently had our final game, a friendly that we have against our friends and colleagues in Congresbury Bowling Club for the Norris Bryan Cup.

After a closely fought match where both teams won two rinks, Wrington finally won the match on shots (points).

Our Winter season will have already started by the time this  is published and we will be welcoming bowlers from neighbouring clubs such as Congresbury, Yatton and Winscombe who play with us during the winter season on our all-weather Green.

If you would like to join us for a “roll up” which is an informal game or take part in the winter season “triples” where we play with three bowls each in a 6 team competition, playing each Wednesday afternoon, then please don’t hesitate to contact our coach Fred Cowgill on 07872 692992. By the way, we also provide coaching for free and have a selection of bowls also free to use.

Ian Harries